WAV is non-profit online radio station, your support allows us to continue producing high quality shows, to buy better equipment and to support local artists in Antwerp & Belgium. Helping us with a donation is the best way to help WAV thrive. Donations can be done via PayPal or credit card. See below.
Here are some examples of what we’re aiming for:
- extra studio equipment (e.g.: new mixer, better microphone stands, …) 🎙️
- continuous improvements on our website for excellent user experience (e.g.: new search function, improved WAV host pages, ….) 😊
- new features for the WAV app (e.g.: integration of the 6 continuous WAV streams) 📱
- cover our operate costs (e.g: internet, hosting, …) 📈
If you have any questions about the support or ideas to help us, do not hesistate to contact us via We will also give updates when we reach a goal to buy material or improve the website. 💙.