On air from 19h till 20h

gemu is an online research project and mutable archive focused on video game music.
Bent Von Bent is a composer from Antwerp, Belgium.

  1. gemu Intro ’22-’23
  2.  Life ~ A Distant Promise ~ (生命 ~遠い約束~)
  3.  Forest of Illusion (影切りの森)
  4.  “Dead Sea/Tower of Destruction (死海・滅びの塔)
  5.  Prisoners of Fate (運命に囚われし者たち)
  6.  A Light for Lost Hopes (あらかじめ失われし、ともしび).
  7. Island of the Earth Dragon (土龍の島)
  8.  Navel of the World (世界のへそ)
  9.  Magic from the Fairies (妖精のくれた魔法)
  10. Etude 2 (エチュード2)
  11. Grief (悲愴)
  12. Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves ~ (MAGICAL DREAMERS ~風と星と波と~)
  13. Garden of God (神の庭)
  14. Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time ~ (CHRONO CROSS ~時の傷痕~)
  15. Etude 1 (エチュード1)
  16. Termina – Home World (テルミナ ホーム)
  17. Lizard Dance (トカゲと踊れ)
  18. Burning Orphanage (炎の孤児院)
  19.  The Girl Who Stole the Stars (星を盗んだ少女)
  20.  The Splendidly Grand Magic Troupe (天晴驚愕大奇術団)
  21.  Terra Tower (星の塔)
  22.  Dragon God (龍神)
  23.  Drowned Valley (溺れ谷)
  24.  Dilemma (窮地)
  25. Departed Souls (去りにし者ども)