‘Samhain or Halloween is a powerful turning point in the wheel of the year, signifying the cycle of life, death and rebirth. As per the wheel of the year cycle, Samhain or Halloween was the period of death. It is believed that during this time the veil between the realms of living and dead becomes thinnest. As the clock ticks over to November 1st, the spiritual activity is at its highest.

One of the reasons is due to the vibrations of the date 111. If you carefully look at each digit as a pillar, you can see that the middle pillar symbolises the veil between the two worlds.’


“The Poet, being roused by a clap of thunder, and following his guide onward, descends into Limbo, which is the first circle of Hell, where he finds the souls of those, who although they have lived virtuously and have not to suffer for great sins, nevertheless, merit not the bliss of Paradise.” Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto IV (Circle I – Limbo)