On air from 12h till 21h

We’re thrilled to be part of Antwerp ART Weekend next week.
For the festival we’re doing a collabo with PLUS-ONE Gallery during the opening weekend.

With Aesthetic Echoes, PLUS-ONE Gallery wants to revive the appreciation, intimacy and ritual of the iconic format. Trough paying homage to the significance of the album cover artwork, while embracing the feasibility of contemporary artistic interpretation.

WAV will provide the soundtrack from Thursday 16.05 till Sunday 19.05 between 12h & 18h CET. On Thursday till 21h.

Full details & line-up will be revealed soon.
Extra info on the works on view via plus-one.be or @plus_one.gallery .

Extra info:
In the light of the subtle yet significant role music plays within the identity of PLUS-ONE Gallery, Aesthetic Echoes seeks to revive this through juxtaposition and careful curation of the diverse artistic interpretations of a hundred artists. Each one of them will be invited to reimagine the 33-inch vinyl record cover of a number, album, artist they feel intertwined with and reflect it’s essence and their own artistic interpretation of it in this particular format.

As the visitors are invited to immerse themselves in a visual dialogue, this eclectic assemblage will reflect an amalgam of interpretations and techniques, representing a wide spectrum of creative approaches, reinforcing the symbiotic relationship between music, sound and visual imageries.


Rita Lee – Caso sério

Cahl Sel – February

Caetano Veloso – De Conversa / Cravo e Canela

Milan W. – Aurora

Caetano Veloso – Tu Me Acostumbraste

Pavilion – X_0314

Caetano Veloso – Gilberto Misterioso

Milan W. – Hall

Simone – Latin Lover

Gust de Meyer – Casiowork 1.2.4

Gal Costa – Passarinho

FIT Siegel – Carmine

Chico Buarque – Construccíon

András – Stereo Dunnies