“It’s 2020 and Skateboarding just lost another legend… At the age of 46 Keith Hufnagel lost his battle with brain cancer.  When I think of Hufnagel, I think of 90ies skateboarding, REAL videos, DVS shoes, Brooklyn Banks, Huf Worldwide… but most of all that fluid style, speed and the best ollies EVER!
Next to the Curtains show with a selection of music from various HUF skateparts, I wanted to show some favourite parts from Keith.
Rest In Power Keith Hufnagel!

Text & selection by El Gallito.

1. Memory Screen: Keith Hufnagel

2. REAL to Reel '01

3. Classics: Keith Hufnagel's "Penal Code" Part

Going fast down the street and jumping over anything in your path is an essential part of street skating. Huf has this down to an art form. Here’s his part from the 1996 FTC video.