On air from 17h till 18h

(long arms)(continued) #5 – we will never be

(long arms)(continued) is the auditive continuation of a series of performances and photographic installations by Stine Sampers, diary style. Poetry and spoken word take on a major role, strong moods and field recordings are welcome. The series will invite many guests and collaborators (friends), creating a polyphonic diary.

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to perform at Botanique, opening for claire rousay.
I collected some of my favourite voices from films and interviews and wrote a text to be spoken
out loud alongside them. For this 6th (long arms)(continued) I continued working with this material and included some more precious voices, both spoken and sung.

  1. Excerpt from The Unbelievable Truth by Hal Hartley
  2. Conversation about Song by Alan Lomax and Elisabeth Cronin
  3. Excerpt from a production of the New York Greek Drama Company in 1987, Sappho’s poem (Painetai) set to music by Eve Beglarian, sung in ancient Greek by Andrea Goodman, accompanying herself on a 7-string lyre
  4. Interview (Panorama) with Clarice Lispector, 1977
  5. Moments by Benjamin Lew
  6. ‘we will never be’, poem by Stine Sampers
  7. Le Pollen by Pierre Barouh
  8. Born, Never Asker by Laurie Anderson
  9. Coming by Jimmy Somerville, Sally Potter and David Motion
  10. Double Jeu by Hector Zazou and Asia Argento
  11. Falcon (Egress, Coiled Eyes) by Aine O’dwyer
  12. Rififi by Brigitte Fontaine
  13. Inter View ft. Heartmill by Soap&Skin
  14. Just As You Are by Robert Wyatt
  15. That Battle Is Over by Jenny Hval
  16. Gafsa by Natacha Atlas