On air from 20 until 20h30
During the months of July and August, venue Het Bos hosted musical residencies in their great concert room. Every week a new promising talent, every week another exciting outcome. WAV invited the residents at the radio studio to talk about their upcoming residency or, when after the residency, to talk about the experience and listen to the outcome. When the second Covid-19 wave hit Antwerp in August, we had to stop these live radio shows. But we promised to give the artists the attention they deserve later. So here we are, with a look back to that great weird summer of 2020 and its summer residencies at Het Bos!
Tonight we’ll have a talk with Simon Beeckaert and listen to what he cooked up during his Summer week at Het Bos.

Simon Beeckaert bracht in 2019 zijn eerste plaat in eigen beheer uit met korte improvisaties om en rond zijn contrabas. Tijdens zijn Bos Residentie werkte hij samen met leden van Groovcats al improviserend aan nieuw materiaal. Met Elko Blijweert op gitaar, Milan Warmoeskerken op gitaar en Jeroen Stevens op drum.
Summer music residencies at Het Bos
During the months of July and August, venue Het Bos hosted musical residencies in their great concert room. Every week a new promising talent, every week another exciting outcome. Het Bos documented the residencies in different ways. Think pictures, think interviews, think showcases and many more. These folks were hosted by Het Bos during summer:
Clara Lissens
, Toolbox
, Justine Grillet
, Bent Vande Sompele & Sjoerd Leijten
, Witchtrail,
Simon Beeckaert
, Vlerk
, Monomono