On air from 15h till 18h
Erik Chiafele (1980) studied painting at PXL-Mad Faculty in Hasselt.
1. *The expo will show painted record sleeves, what we would like to know is what record sleeves are in your opinion masterpieces and why. It can be your all time favorite sleeve or just the sleeves you came across this past month.
I would like to do some self-promotion, if I may. Two years ago I was approached by the band “Heisa” to provide a record cover including an inside sleeve. So now when I browse through my collection I get slightly excited when I come across their record “Joni”. As a record enthusiast, this is pretty much the ultimate thrill for me! For the outside cover I used the work “Chesty II” and the inside cover is from the “DEEWEE” temple, a photo of their equipment.
Other important record covers include “Tiga, Sexor”, “2ManyDJs, As Heard on Radio Soulwax Pt. 2”, “Cypress Hill, IV”. The style of the “Turbo” releases and the “DEEWEE” ones are interesting to say the least anyway!
2. *When buying records I guess you also visit recordshops. What recordshop do you recommend, in Belgium or elsewhere?
Actually, I step into just about every record store thinking: you never know what one might find. And of course there are the regular spots where you never come out undamaged. So I would say any record store!!!
3. *The expo refers to vinyl and also to jazz, what is your favorite record of the moment, it might be your favorite jazz record or another genre. Feel free to tell us why this is your LP of the moment.
I am really charmed by the new Sworn Virgins (Deewee 051) Stranger Hands EP. I play their song “Slide Little Monster” several times a day.
4. *There’s been, for some reasons, quite some increase in music steaming the past 2 years. Whats your point of view in that and how often do you tune in to an online radio while working, painting, cooking,…?
I use Spotify and it is ok for songs, but (thankfilly) you don’t find everything there. I use streaming services for my own needs. Before I start painting I listen to a constantly changing list, through Spotify, Youtube, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, my own sets and vinyl records. When I start working it is only podcasts or silence.